Empowering Parents and Teens To Build Great Communication

The teenage brain is fascinating; many parents yearn to understand it, but rarely do. Especially in today’s world where 45% of teens report near-constant use of the internet and would rather look at a screen than communicate with their parents.

As a High School teacher for over 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of working with hundreds of teenagers from all walks of life. Through a combination of teaching, research, and 1:1 coaching, I’ve come to understand how they operate, what they value in relationships, and what they think of their parents. I’ve also developed tools and tactics to help parents open up healthy communication and improve their relationships.

Having a fulfilling relationship with your teen is possible, but it takes work.

In my group speaking sessions, I give parents tools and tips they can start using immediately to improve their relationships. I help them understand the dynamics of parent/teen communication and what it takes to move past challenges that block them from achieving the fulfilling relationship they’ve always dreamed of.

If you are a parent-focused group or organization, my presentation, “How To Bring Peace To The Turbulent Teenage Years &

Turn Those Painful Arguments Into Meaningful Conversations” is an invaluable gift for your members. Help them learn the fundamental tools and techniques to break down walls, open up communication, and reap the benefits of healthy and rewarding relationships with their teenagers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Listen as I share my insights on the Your Lot and Parcel podcast with host Benjamin Diaz. In this episode, Benjamin and I discuss what it's like being a teen in our modern day, why they act the way they do, and what parents can do to experience healthier and more fulfilling relationships with their teenagers. Your Lot and Parcel is a podcast that shares everything you must know about your home, your family, and real estate through the advice of his professional guests.

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Nutcracker Holiday Show in Brea, CA. It was great to talk to all of you and share stories. I look forward to seeing more of you at future events. Follow me on Facebook or Instagram to see where I will be next.

Or if you can't see me in person, you can always get a copy on Amazon.




Minimum 20 hours a month

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